Children’s Crafts
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Full of easy and fun crafts featuring themes about Jesus’ love. Individually-packaged craft comes with all the materials needed for completion. Kits include instructions. Includes:
• 12 1 John 4:19 Heart Sign Craft Kits (Includes self-adhesive foam pieces, acetate sheets and satin cording. 7″ x 7″)
• 12 Color Your Own Jesus Loves Me Banners with Pom-Pom Trim (Cardstock with sewn-on pom-pom trim, wooden dowel and satin cording. 7″ x 7 1/2″)
• 12 I Love Jesus, Jesus Loves Me Cross Craft Kits (Includes self-adhesive foam pieces. 8 3/4″)
• 12 Wooden Color Your Own Jesus Loves Me Picture Frame Magnets (4 1/2″ x 6 3/4″ with a 3″ x 4 1/4″ photo space.)• 12 Love Is John 3:16 Sign Craft Kits (Includes self-adhesive foam pieces and satin cording. 8″ x 6″)
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Bible Trivia
You know you love Bible trivia, so we thought we’d share a little of our own with you. We have some fun facts from children’s Bibles that you may not know.
Have you ever wondered how many people were in Noah’s ark? Or how many animals were on it? Or what kind of animal was on it?
The Bible tells us that Noah and his family were the only humans to escape the flood waters. There were eight people, two animals (the raven and the dove) and seven pairs of each kind of clean beast onto the ark. That makes 16 animals total.
There was no sign of rain for 40 days and 40 nights, but after they left the ark, they still had to wait another 150 days before they could eat any plants or fruit from their gardens again. After that time period was up, Noah planted a vineyard on Mount Ararat (modern day Turkey).